
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Italians, Day of the Honduran, Grandparents’ Day

  This week (again) there was a mishmash of occasions for Fiestas. The first was a visit from the Italians. As background, NPH serves children in nine different countries in central and south America and has international offices in almost a dozen countries most of which are in Europe besides the ones in the US and Canada. Although the largest number of donors for the children at NPH Honduras come from the US, the Italian office has the second largest number and has been very active in sending groups of young adults on trips here during their summer break. Last year we got to know one of the Italian chaperones, Enrico, quite well as he stayed for three weeks while three different groups came through and then stayed another month afterwards living in the volunteer house and helping with various tasks. He is back this year with a current group of about 20 young Italians. They work on projects during the day, then spend time with the children in the afternoon and evening. Thursday night

A Thanks from the Tias

  The caretakers (Tias) for Allen’s hogar, Divino Niño, wanted to show their appreciation of all the love and support he has given to them and to the children of Divino Niño over the past year by taking us out to eat. At first, Allen was not sure I was invited but later he was informed by the Tias that he had to bring me “or else” with the throat slashing motion if he did not. I love that they not just wanted to include me but insisted on it. Allen has developed a great rapport with his Tias who keep telling him to extend for one more year. At this point I think they are just joking although I am sure they would love it to be true as would many others on the ranch. On Wednesday morning they took us to a restaurant called Los Trupillos about a half hour drive North of the ranch. Although we went for breakfast, the menu was more like dinner options such as chicken or fish platters with side dishes. The restaurant has a huge garden area with lots of covered seating pavilions among t

Getting Ready to Leave

  Allen and I only have three weeks left on the ranch and it is going by way too quickly. The weeks seem to be even busier than before. This week we had a Padrinos Birthday outing during the day and a family project in the evening on Tuesday, all day spiritual retreats on Wednesday and Thursday, and a evening fiesta with music and cultural dance Thursday evening.  Honduran Dancing Posting Notecard on the Wall at the Padrinos Birthday Outing It does not leave a lot of time for planning our despedidas or goodbye parties. Everything must be celebrated in Honduras, even (or especially?) goodbyes. Here is a list of must do activities before you leave: Goodbye speech at the last mass ·        Some kind of celebration with our work group ·        A despedida with our hogars ·        A despedida with the volunteers – including adding our handprints to the wall in the salon. Allen and I have been thinking about what we want to do for each of these. He takes lots of pictures and wants to p

New Volunteers and 4th of July

Allen and I started our long term (13 month) volunteer assignment with NPH Honduras the first weekend in July last year and the latest batch of long-term volunteers arrived to begin July 1 this year. It seems strange to think that we are now the “experienced” ones showing them the ropes. All the volunteers that started before us, even those that extended their service, have left except for Sienna and Christine who have taken on permanent positions with NPH Honduras. Of our original group of eight, only three will be left after Allen and I leave plus the 3 that started in January. We are effectively turning over the volunteer duties to this new group who appear to be more than capable of handling it. In this group of volunteers, there is a retired couple and five young adults most of which just finished college. All but one of the new volunteers are here now; the last one will arrive in late August. Three of the new volunteers are men and Allen is happy to have male companionship at S