New Volunteers and 4th of July

Allen and I started our long term (13 month) volunteer assignment with NPH Honduras the first weekend in July last year and the latest batch of long-term volunteers arrived to begin July 1 this year. It seems strange to think that we are now the “experienced” ones showing them the ropes. All the volunteers that started before us, even those that extended their service, have left except for Sienna and Christine who have taken on permanent positions with NPH Honduras. Of our original group of eight, only three will be left after Allen and I leave plus the 3 that started in January. We are effectively turning over the volunteer duties to this new group who appear to be more than capable of handling it.

In this group of volunteers, there is a retired couple and five young adults most of which just finished college. All but one of the new volunteers are here now; the last one will arrive in late August. Three of the new volunteers are men and Allen is happy to have male companionship at San Vicente as he has been the only guy in the house since Cormac left in December. With the exception of Filippo who is Italian and thus not featured on the NPH USA website, you can read more about our new housemates Matthew, Chloe, Morgan, Kelly, Mike, and Kara at the following link: Current International Volunteers | Former Volunteers – NPH USA. There are a variety of backgrounds and personalities, but they have a couple of things in common – a big heart and a willingness to go outside their comfort zones.

They have most of the month to learn about NPH and spend time with the different Hogars before being fully integrated into work and being assigned a hogar. On Sunday, we took some of them on a tour of the grounds and on a hike to the dam above the ranch. Allen and I also helped prepare the celebratory dinner Sunday night, making spaghetti, salad, and a big batch of roasted butternut squash from our garden. Produce from our garden has, in general, been a bit of a disappointment, but we were able to get a half dozen butternut squash and one (only one!) large zucchini which went into the Spaghetti sauce.

Spaghetti Dinner with New Volunteers

I was also involved in another fun activity last Sunday, helping Loekie turn the Padre Wasson salon into a restaurant and providing a fancy luncheon for the girls in her hogar. Loekie has been developing and managing Chicas Poderosas (Powerful Girls) and chose this occasion to teach the girls about etiquette and how to behave in a nice restaurant, a situation that they do not normally encounter. Loekie turned her ideas into action, and I helped with the cooking, serving, and cleaning. She had help from a couple of the girls to prepare and act as waiters. I can highly recommend the food at the Restaurante Etiquetas, but it may have been a one-time event.

One other occasion of note for this week was the 4th of July. Most of the volunteers are from the US and as it was cleanup day on the ranch, we spent it doing some much-needed yard work, so we missed the normal parades and fireworks that we would have back at home. However, when we were done with hogar in the evening, Allen made a campfire and we sang the Star-Spangled Banner, roasted hotdogs and marshmallows and made S’mores on the terrazza.  It was a beautiful  evening with mostly clear skies where you could see the stars and the lights of Tegucigalpa well off in the distance.

Chillin' on the Terrazza

S'mores Supplies and Hot Dogs

Allen's Rip Roaring Fire


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