La Ceiba

After leaving NPH Honduras, we took one last week of “vacation” before returning home. We went to La Ceiba which is third largest city of Honduras and is on the Caribbean coast. It is close to beautiful beaches and is a good location for day trips to Pico Bonito National Park and the islands of Cayos Cochinos and Utila. We stayed in a nice beachfront hotel with a swimming pool and air conditioning which was much needed as the heat and humidity was greater on the coast than in the mountains where the ranch is located. The first few days we “decompressed” according to Allen which means that we read by the pool, swam, and walked around La Ceiba.

Allen Being Chased By a Mural Shark
La Ceiba Mural
Allen Scoping Out Plants at a Nursery

We booked a day trip to see Cayos Cochinos, a group of small coral islands maintained as a Marine Protected Area in Honduras. The sparse inhabitants live in fishing villages and are Garifuna which are mixed African and Amerindian ancestry originating in the Caribbean. Our tour took us to several of the islands that make up Cayos Cochinos. The Caribbean water and sand beaches were beautiful and with no rain and a gentle breeze it was ideal. We snorkeled, searched for (and found!) pink boa constrictors, and enjoyed a seafood lunch at a Garifuna restaurant. The wind picked up in the afternoon and we had quite a bumpy ride home in the Panga (fishing boat). For me, this was the highlight of the week.

Cayos Cochino Island
Pink Boa Constrictor

On a different day we took the morning ferry to Utila from La Ceiba which gave us a half day to explore the island before taking the afternoon ferry back. We had a long walk shopping up and down the main street, found a public beach to get in a nice swim, and ate lunch at one of the many beach restaurants. Utila is next to Roatan but has more of a hippie vibe than Roatan.

Main Street on Utila Island
Utila Public Beach

We also took the opportunity to do a little hiking at Pico Bonito National Park. The hotel arranged a private driver to take us to the Pico Bonito Lodge which has trails into the park. The morning hike was somewhat challenging with a steep uphill and uneven terrain, but beautiful with vistas, big gnarly trees, and many different colorful birds. The lodge offered an excellent lunch after our hike.

Pico Bonito Trail
Toucan in Pico Bonito
Fish Tacos at Pico Bonito Lodge

We had arranged to fly out of Roatan, so took a ferry from La Ceiba on Friday and rented a room in a beach condo close to the airport. The room included access to a resort swimming pool and was close to a couple of fun restaurants, one of which was being used as a wedding venue that night.

Smoky Grill Restaurant at the end of a Pier on Roatan
Wedding Venue at Las Palmas Resort

I wish I could say that the trip back was uneventful, but unfortunately, that was not the case. It was good that we arrived at the airport early Saturday morning as it took three hours to process ourselves to the gate. The holdup was the long line at Honduras Immigration; you must check out of Honduras to leave the country, and this includes having Honduras officials check your passport to make sure that you have not overstayed the 90-day limit as well as getting your photo and fingerprints. There were many flights Saturday afternoon and the lines were long!

Our flight was delayed as they waited for passengers on our flight to be processed. Additionally, storms in Denver causing some of the runways to close meant that we had to first stop in Colorado Springs to refuel before approaching Denver (our stopover) from a different direction. This caused us to miss our connection and we ended up sleeping at the airport for our rescheduled early morning Sunday departure. We arrived in Seattle, but our checked luggage did not arrive with us. Finally, we made it home, purchasing a new car along the way. But that is a story for another time,,,

Allen Sleeping at the Denver Airport
Back Home for Monday Morning Sunrise!


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