Drinking From a Fire Hose (Saturday 6/3/23)


After our first week of Spanish Immersion classes, we are just starting to appreciate how much we have to learn. I thought I knew parts of the body, but found I only had words (palabras) for a small fraction. The good news is that we have very patient teachers (maestros) who make learning fun, but we wish that we had spent more time learning Spanish at home. We are both praying for a miracle (ombus orando por un milagro), but it will likely just take a lot of hard work.

We have also taken time to explore the town of Copas Ruinas, especially the many coffee shops that have air conditioning, wifi, and some excellent Honduran coffee!  All greatly appreciated when we are working on our homework (tarea).

Cafe Con Leche from Cafe San Rafael

We bought yoga mats and have been doing daily yoga in the large salon at our homestay. Our host family, the Perazas, have an ideal setup for students with ensuite bedrooms and a spacious home. Abuela Tina is an excellent cook and challenges our language skills with good natured chatter on a number of topics. We have also gone on a couple of walks although, in general, it is usually too hot for us to walk in the afternoons. Most people take advantage of the large number of moto-taxis, also known as TukTuks, to get around. We walked to the Hacienda San Lucas Friday night on a recommendation from my professora Karla, to drink wine (we had a nice bottle of organic Merlot from Chile) and enjoy the sunset. We took a TukTuk back as it was dark and late.

Sunset from Hacienda San Lucas

We also went to Macaw Mountain – known locally as the Parque de Aves (Park of Birds). This is a sanctuary for the Honduran national bird which is a Macaw (aka Guacamaya). The park has a fascinating history and uplifting story. I am sure we will be back.


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