Games and Fufa Rufo

 We have two more students at the Guycamaya Spanish School in Copan. Natalie is with us in the mornings and is also a volunteer at NPH. We haven’t met Samantha yet as she goes to school in the afternoons. There is also another girl, Audrey, at Julie’s immersion school. As mentioned a few posts ago, Julie is also learning Spanish to prepare to volunteer at NPH. Allen is dealing quite well with so many young ladies around (me included 😊).

One of our class activities now involves playing games with the other students. Yesterday we sat in a circle and each came up with a couple of questions in Spanish. Then everyone around the circle got a turn to answer – in Spanish. We learned a new slang term during the discussion: fufa rufo (not sure of the spelling).  Apparently, it is similar to hoity-toity and is used to describe higher-end tourist-type activities and accommodations. Since Allen & I are drawn to anyplace with air conditioning, I guess we are fully embracing fufa rufo ism.  For example, last Saturday we went on a day excursion to a spa in the mountains called the Luna Jaguar Spa. It was about a 40 minute drive to a location where you could soak in pools of varying temperatures – heated by a local hot springs. We spent a few hours there enjoying the relaxing atmosphere, but also noticed that many visitors were speaking English, so most likely a fufa rufo resort.

Relaxing at the Lunar Jaguar Spa

Today in our immersion class, we got to play scrabble in Spanish. Although I don’t know a lot of words, I got good letters and was able to win the game with the help of my fellow players. These game exercises are challenging but provide a lot of fun and practice using the language.

Tonight we are going to try a local Fufa rufo restaurant that was recommended by our teachers. Our host family parents, Tina & Jesus, call this our Noche Romantica, but they are always teasing us.


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