Food At The Ranch (Friday 8/18/2023)

 Volunteers at the Ranch get three square meals a day just like the kids. Breakfast is served from 7 – 7:30 AM weekdays and a half hour later on the weekends. Lunch is from 1 – 1:30 and dinner from 6 – 6:30 daily. Volunteers can bring a plate or bowl to the kitchen (cocina) where the meals are prepared, have the plate filled, and then take it back to San Vicente (or other location) to eat. For the hogars, kitchen helpers fill large coolers which the hogars collect and then serve in their area. Allen and I have been eating breakfast with each other in San Vicente, lunch with our work companions, and dinner with the kids in our hogars.

Breakfast is typically beans with rice or plaintains and often with “mantiquilla” which is not actually butter, but a sour-cream-like sauce. Sometimes there is also an egg. An alternative breakfast is cereal (granola, rice Krispies, or sometimes chocolate rice Krispies!) with warmed milk. Often this is supplemented with a banana and a roll (“pan”). Allen and I bought a coffee maker for the volunteer house and make coffee. Allen hasn’t found half-n-half here, so we have tried many other milk or cream type options and have settled on the dry creamer. We also supplement with fruit!  Allen buys pineapples, mango, papaya, and other fruit on our every-other weekend off the ranch.

Sample Breakfasts with a Common Theme
Roof of San Vicente or Terrazza - Best Place for Breakfast!

Lunch here is actually the main meal of the day. Rice and beans may also be served, but other alternatives are spaghetti, soup, Chinese rice, fried chicken, beef or pork dinner, or sardines (today’s lunch) with rice and salad.

Sample Lunch

Dinner tends to be more of a light Honduran “typical” meal. It might be beans, hot dog, and tortilla; but also might be rice and milk; pancakes (with a little honey); or a Honduran food called baleadas (flour tortilla with refried beans, crumbled salty cheese and “cream”). I enjoy eating with the kids in their hogar. Everyone waits for the blessing which is said by one of the kids and repeated by everyone else.

Sample Dinner

After a few weeks of eating Ranch food, I decided it was too much food so now I skip the ranch lunch and just take string cheese or a boiled egg and fruit (bought every other weekend) to work for lunch. The ladies that I work with have yogurt in the office refrigerator that was left over from the last birthday celebration so I am enjoying that as well.

Most of the volunteers, us included, have lots of other food and snacks to supplement the meals. In fact, the kitchen and refrigerator are stacked to the gills with all of the food. At times, it attracts cock roaches, ants, and other bugs, so there is a motive to keep things clean and organized, but the mess is pretty bad right now. I think that, in time, we will be less afraid of not having our comfort food at hand and will relax the food stockpiling. But for now, two weeks seems like a long time to wait for resupply and many are unwilling to survive on ranch food alone. Personally, I am ready for the challenge, but also enjoying having the goodies 😊

San Vicente Kitchen Overload
Allen's Personal Stash in Our Room


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