My New Escritorio (Desk)

 I work with the Padrinos office (Padrino means godparents or sponsors) which is composed of two very friendly and organized young women (Dixie and Cintia) who enhance communications between the children and their sponsors. We get to do a lot of fun things like deliver letters (and sometimes gifts) to the Hogars, take pictures of the kids, update their biographical information, plan and hold celebrations for different groups of kids (funded with extra money sent by sponsors) and lately – organize a big Christmas card campaign. I have been enjoying time in the office, using my own computer and the lunchroom table for a desk as I update parts of the data base and transcribe letters and other documents for Dixie and Cintia. I was delighted when my new desk came so that I could have a more permanent place in the office. They also had a computer for me, but I was happy to continue using my own. When the desk arrived, we had to rearrange all the furniture to make it work. Dust was flying as we swept areas that had not been cleaned in a while and my new bosses re-organized so we could share a more common space.

                                            My new desk/table on the right.

                                        Adjoining Lunch Room/Storage

Those of you who know me, know that I welcome the chance to get out of the office. Gratefully, there are many opportunities in this job. On Tuesdays, we make the rounds to deliver and receive letters from the kids. I think that this will be my job once I learn the ropes. There have also been many afternoons that we have met with different groups of kids in the park to update their photos, which is an annual process. The Padrinos office also organizes “birthday” parties for different groups of children. I have not figured out the system yet (if there is one 😊), but the aim is to cover all the kids in a year so that means parties at least once a month. However, the Padrinos office is a bit behind, so we might have to do more than one party per month.  This week we took a group of kids to a big park called Picacho that has a view of Tegucigalpa. It was an all-day affair with a lot of food (breakfast, lunch, cake, pinata) and the kids playing on the playground equipment.

Even though it is difficult to get used to working again, this is a pretty fun job!

Park Rules – Love Nature, Enjoy Life, Be Happy, Try Something New, Be Grateful, Pay With Kisses, Be Creative, Dream Big, Respect Everyone

Preparing Meat for the Taco Bar

Two Boys with Pinecones Behind Their Backs



  1. Marcel (and Allen)- i sure have enjoyed Marcel's blog and I make sure that I share it with John too. Thank you for giving us a closer look at life at NPH.


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