Yoga in the Morning (September 22, 2023)

 I am an early bird and here in Honduras that means getting up about 5AM and going for a 45 minute walk around the ranch before doing yoga. I wake up with the sun which came up about 5:15 when we first got here, but is now about 5:30. On the shortest day, the sun will rise a little after 6AM, so only about 45 minutes difference between the shortest and longest days. Honduras is about 1000 miles north of the equator compared to Seattle at 3,300 miles north. In contrast sundown is about 6:15PM on the longest day and 5:30 on the shortest which means that it always gets dark about dinner time and I consistently bring my flashlight to evening hogar to light my way back to my room in San Vicente.

Lately I have been getting up in the dark and trying to leave quietly so as not to wake up Al, although he is usually awake when I get back. I normally bring a grocery bag with me to pick up trash on my route and almost always am “rewarded” with enough to fill the bag.  

Sunrise on the Ranch

I aim to get back in time for Yoga which was originally in our room which is large enough to accommodate our yoga mats. However, after spreading the word to the other volunteers, we have moved the yoga session to the salon in our building which is perfect for a larger group. Now that there is a larger group, we have settled on 6AM weekdays as Yoga time. This allows time for a shower before breakfast at 7 and work starting at 7:30. Not quite the relaxing mornings we enjoyed at Lakebay, but we manage to fit in the important things.

So far we have two regulars in addition to us and two or more other volunteers that join periodically. Sometimes even the house cat, Matthias, joins in! We use our Beach Body on Demand app that we have used for several years now which offers a variety of yoga sessions. We play it on Al’s IPAD which has a small screen, but is the best that we can do with the limited technology here.  

Yoga in the Salon of San Vicente

"Gato" Yoga Pose

I thought I had the schedule down with a 45 minute walk before the 6AM yoga, then The Boss or maybe I should say The Coach decided that we needed to up our yoga workouts and wants to do longer yoga workouts starting at 5:45. For me it will be a balance between getting enough sleep, a long enough walk, and yoga. Not sure what will happen on any given day!


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