
 There are several “opportunities” for performances on the ranch and our Volunteer Coordinator let us know that the volunteers are expected to take part in the performances. I am open to singing and dancing with a group, but pretty insecure if it means a solo performance. I think Allen feels the same way. Luckily, we are part of a very talented group of volunteers who can sing, dance, and come up with a lot of fun and creative ideas.

Last night the ranch held a Festival de Cantos Navideños (Christmas Song Festival). We knew about this a few weeks ahead and I had suggested singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town in Spanish (Santa Claus Llego’ a la Ciudad) with Allen wearing the Santa Suit that he brought back from our trip home. I also thought that we could probably easily learn the 12 Days of Christmas in Spanish since it has so many repeat phrases and I really like the Spanish version of Mary Did You Know? (Maria Sabes Que) and thought we might have time to learn the words in Spanish. I think everyone liked the idea, but we were too busy to follow up. I wondered if the contest would be similar to normal karaoke where we could just give our selection at the Festival. As it turns out, we needed to select and turn in the music to our selections the morning of the Festival. By that time, some of the Tias had requested the Santa Suit for their performance so we decided not to do Santa Claus is Coming to Town, but to go ahead with the other two.

Three NPH Girls Ready for their Song/Dance Performance

Since we had not practiced either in Spanish, our last minute decision meant that we would do both in English. We had minimal practice, but both performances came off pretty well. The 12 Days of Christmas was pretty funny and I will try to post a video of that here. Mary Did You Know? Is always lovely, but especially with the beautiful voices of the volunteers that sang the solos.

Volunteers Singing 12 Days of Christmas at NPH Honduras

We were notified months ago that the volunteers are expected to do a 20 minute dance routine on New Year’s Eve. We started putting that together last week and are dedicating 2 hours per day for the next week to dance practice. Each volunteer is supposed to come up with a suggestion for a 2 minute routine. I suggested Thriller since my sisters and I have been talking about learning that for a while now. At this point in time we have 7 minutes that includes parts of the following: Thriller, Cotton-Eyed Joe, Calm Down, and Footloose. I think we are going to add Dancing Queen and several selections from Central America.

Allen and I were also asked to play Mary and Joseph in the “Posada” today which is a re-enactment of Mary and Joseph looking for lodging on Christmas Eve. We will lead a procession around the ranch asking for lodging and being denied until we get to the church. The Posada starts at 5PM, Mass is at 6PM, and following mass is a ranch-wide Christmas Eve Dinner, bonfire, and fireworks. The party goes on until midnight. After the kids are asleep (~2AM), the volunteers deliver gifts so it will be a late night! As I am normally early-to-bed, early-to-rise, the last few days have been short on sleep. Hopefully after Christmas, I can recover – at least until New Year’s Eve!

Allen Hosted a Breakfast for the Maintenance Crew

A Pig was Roasted for a Christmas Dinner that we Attended


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