A Special Day for Visitors

 When we returned to the NPH Ranch from Roatan, we brought some special guests: my sisters Stacie and Rene’, and Rene’s husband Greg. We had planned this trip many months ago but as with many things on the ranch, unexpected activities crop up that affect our plans both favorably and unfavorably. On the negative side, the ranch is hosting a series of NPH International leadership meetings that just happen to be timed with this visit so there was no ranch transport and we had to arrange our own rides to the ranch and for our visitors to the airport afterwards. Also, there was no room at the Visitors’ House (San Cristobal). Luckily, we had an extra room at the Volunteer House that we got approval to use. On the positive side, Greg, Rene’, and Stacie decided that staying at the Volunteer House was better, anyway, since we were closer and had more time together. Also, they got to experience some special activities on Valentine’s Day/Ash Wednesday, some of which were probably enhanced due to the presence of the international leadership team.  

Originally, we were going to stay in Tegucigalpa the first night (Tuesday) at my favorite lodging The Honduras Maya Hotel and visit the ranch after breakfast for an all day tour on Wednesday. However, when we found out that there would be a mass early Wednesday morning, we changed our plans so Greg, Rene’, and Stacie could experience a mass on the ranch. So we skipped the nice hotel and came straight to the ranch Tuesday night. We got to the ranch late, had a pizza dinner, then settled them into their room.

Wednesday was a full day with Ash Wednesday mass at 7:30 am, breakfast and a full walking tour of the ranch before noon. 

Rene', Marcel, and Stacie on the Hammocks at San Vicente
Mass on the Ranch
Stacie, Rene', Marcel on top of San Vicente
The Maintenance Shop Lunch Room

Everyone on the ranch gathered for lunch at the Parque Inclusivo (named because it was built to accommodate children with disabilities). Since it was Valentine’s Day, each child was assigned to an adult to be their special valentine. The child/adult pair sat together for lunch and afterwards gave each other a Valentine’s card or other small gift. Then they spent the afternoon together playing in the park. My valentine was one of the boys in my Hogar – very lively and full of fun. He tried to talk me into giving him his gift ahead of time and was happy that I brought family for him to play with, particularly Greg!

When the party in the park wound down, we took our 3 visitors on a hike up to the Dam (represa) which is part of the water system for the ranch. Allen led us on a hike to a view point before going back to the ranch just in time to join our hogars for dinner.

View Point from Our Hike

Greg, Rene’, and Stacie had dinner with my hogar (San Mateo) where I got to enjoy sharing my family with my kids and my kids with my family. Afterwards they joined Allen’s hogar (Divino Nino) for his turn. We were all pretty tired when we finished the day back at San Vicente.  They left at 9AM the next day to travel to the International Airport for their flights home. We were glad they were able to spend a full day with us on the ranch and experience so many activities.

I love my family! Whether or not they are able to visit us here on the ranch, their love and support for Allen and I has always meant a lot to us but is extra special during this year at NPH.


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