Bird Watching

It has been a few weeks since my last blog because our laptop finally gave up on me. Allen bought a Microsoft Surface Laptop about 8 years ago, soon after he retired. I have been using it for my job here at the ranch. Last fall, the charger stopped working and computer support here on the ranch were able to find the broken connection and fix it which was a good thing since I do not think we could even find one here in Honduras. I kept using it and about a month ago it began to make loud fan noises and heating up. Computer support bypassed the battery for a while, but after several days, it finally just turned off. Luckily, I had several days to move the files I needed and prepare myself for the inevitable. 

My office has a computer for me, but I have avoided it until now because it has a Spanish keyboard. The alphabet and letters are laid out the same, but most of the special characters are in a different place. I am slowly figuring it out which is probably good exercise for my brain as well. We decided to buy a new computer primarily because we still need to do our taxes and even though we do not have complicated taxes, I am not sure we can do them on our ipad or phones. We really liked the Surface which lasted quite a while so will probably get a new one when we get back home. In the meantime, we bought an HP laptop at PriceSmart which came with a bundle (mouse, headphones, backpack). It also has a Spanish keyboard so we will likely donate it back to NPH after we get our new Surface. 

Anyway, this is why I have not blogged for two weeks and will be contributing two blogs in the same day! This one will not get Allen´s review as he is busy working on a garden in our courtyard and I don´t want to wait :-) 

Allen’s brother Paul and his wife Susan came to visit us in Honduras this month. They often travel to different places to go bird watching and Susan was in Costa Rica on a bird watching trip previously. They flew in San Pedro Sula and stayed in La Ceiba on a guided bird watching trip in the north for most of a week before joining us here at NPH on March 15. Then they stayed several days with us and helped us identify the birds on and around the ranch. We showed them around the ranch, then went for several hikes just off the ranch and Susan was able to identify over 30 different types of birds in and around the ranch. She also put together a great trip report and identification of the birds at this link: Nuestros Pequanos Y Hermanos (The Ranch) - eBird Trip Report. 

Ranch bird list

Paul and Susan then went on a guided overnight trip to nearby La Tigra National Park for more birdwatching before one last night on the ranch before heading home. Unfortunately, there were wild fires at La Tigra making it inaccesible. Susan actually thought this was fortunate as she greatly enjoyed their backup trip to the Reserva Biologica Uyuca. 

Paul and Susan on our Hike
Allen explaining the Water System to Paul

They also got to spend time enjoying the children, the ranch food, and the other volunteers. The children were certain that Susan and I were sisters and maybe even twins. Apparently, we look more alike than Allen and Paul. I tried to explain the relationship (sister-in-law or cuñada), but ended up just letting them know that we were friends and sisters of the heart. It was a wonderful visit. We were more than happy to share Paul and Susan with the kids and vice-versa. Also, now I know much more about the birds on the ranch so am including many photos and identifications thanks to Susan and Paul!

Susan Posted a List of Birds Sighted on the Ranch on Our Refrigerator


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