El Salvador

 We are taking a week of vacation to explore El Salvador starting Friday. I do not plan to blog during this time because I don’t want to take our new laptop computer. It is heavier and bulkier than our Microsoft Surface that finally gave up a few months ago. I had hoped that it would keep working until August, but it was already nine years old and finally gave up. Although we have smart phones, an IPad, and the Padrinos Office has a work computer for me, another 6 months was too long to wait for a new computer. Especially as we had not submitted our taxes at the time.

Before coming to Honduras, I thought keyboards were universal, but it turns out that there is a Spanish language – style keyboard which has a few different commonly used characters like ñ and ¿ so has moved some of the lesser used characters to different places. These symbols are a little hard to find: @ ?. Our new laptop has this style keyboard in addition to being bigger and heavier than the surface, so I think we are considering it ¨temporary¨ until we get home.

I will likely do a blog after we get back from El Salvador, but for now I will just give you a preview of what we plan to do:

·       See the sights of San Salvador – the Historic Center, Basilica, Iglesia El Rosario, gigantic Library

·       Hike the Santa Ana Volcano and swim in Coatepeque Lake (guided tour)

·       Visit the NPH in El Salvador which is about a half hour outside of Santa Ana

·       Tour the Ruta de Las Flores

·       Spend several days at El Tunco which is popular with backpackers and surfers and supposedly has beautiful sunsets.

According to people we have talked to and information on the internet, El Salvador has become a pretty safe place to travel and does not have the issues with public transportation safety that is present around Tegucigalpa. It is a relatively small country and easy to get around so we are looking forward to checking it out. 


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