Mission Possible on a Sunday Afternoon

 My coworkers rarely contact me on Sundays, so I was surprised to get a What’sApp message from Cintia asking for help. This was after I had spent the morning cleaning San Vicente and then helping Allen with his landscape project in the San Vicente courtyard, so I was ready for a break. Our next Padrino’s birthday celebration is Wednesday, and we needed to order lunch ahead - either pizza or hamburger (hamburguesa). There had been no response from the Tias when my coworkers requested this information last week, so my mission (if I accepted) was to find the list of kids going on the birthday outing and seek them out to get their preference.

I first went to Talita Kumi where the older (>12) girls live. As I approached the complex, I could hear prayers coming from the big salon and deduced that they were having some kind of communal prayer service. We already had mass at the church the night before, so this was an extra religious activity. Not wanting to interrupt the service, I continued on my way.

Road to Talita Kumi

I headed to the Casa Suyapa complex, which is mostly for kids under 12 in a family-style living arrangement with each house holding up to a dozen kids and at least two Tias or Tios. This is where Allen and I each spend time most evenings with our kids. One of the girls in my hogar saw me and ran toward me for a hug. I told her who I was looking for and she helped me find the three kids on the birthday outing list from Casa Suyapa. Two of the kids were heading to the farm as part of a larger group led by a Tio. The third one was in her hogar. I got their preferences (2 hamburgers, 1 pizza).

Part of the NPH Farm

I continued to Buen Pastor, the housing complex for the older (>12) boys. The boys were in their hogars with the Tios and all were delighted to help me with my mission. My Spanish must be getting better since it did not seem as difficult to explain what I was after or to understand them. Hamburgers were the preference of most of the boys.

Part of Casa Suyapa. Allen´s Hogar is on the right, mine is on the left.

I circled back to Talita Kumi where the girls had apparently finished their prayers and were in their hogars. There are six different hogars in the Talita Kumi complex and I do not usually have occasion to visit there so do not know it well. However, the girls and Tias were quite helpful in directing me where I needed to go to find the girls on the list. Pizza was more popular among these girls.

I was able to complete the mission in a little over an hour and Cintia was very grateful. In looking back, this was an excellent activity for a Sunday afternoon as it gave me a chance to practice my Spanish and engage with the kids on a subject close to their heart. They always look forward to the birthday outings as they don’t often get opportunities to get out of school for a day, leave the ranch, and (best of all) choose their lunch! There are a lot of things that most of us take for granted and this year has been a valuable reminder to stop and appreciate these small blessings. 

Birthday Party Venue in Valle de Angeles
One of Many Cool Signs at the Venue. This one says "The Good Things Take Time"
Allen Added a Sticker to the Wall. It says Marcel & Allen 45 years and still strong. 


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