Mothers’ Day


Invitation to Mothers' Day Celebration

Fathers’ Day is celebrated in March in Honduras on the day of St Joseph and there was a special celebration for many of the men on the ranch, including Allen. The men were entertained with presentations from the women and children who expressed their gratitude and gave them gifts. As usual (in Honduras) there were prizes, both earned through a competition and random. Allen “won” some money in a random prize drawing – just another verification of how lucky he is! He also got a bunch of gifts from some of the kids.

Fathers' Day Celebration

For Mothers’ Day, the celebration is the second Sunday in May like in the US. The Ranch planned an event for the Wednesday prior but ended up moving it to the following week due to disruptions in school from the poor air quality. The air on the ranch was kind of smoky due to local wildfires, but the air in Tegucigalpa was so bad that schools were closed for three days. I don’t know how this helped anybody as I imagine the air quality for the kids and teachers was the same at their homes as at the school. Also, it does not seem logical that the Ranch school would close also since the air quality was not bad here. However, the Ranch school seems to follow the same schedule as the other public schools regardless of the reason.

Smog in Tegucigalpa

The Mothers’ Day celebration was like Fathers’ Day. Different groups of kids sang songs or gave special presentations. The NPH Director gave a speech, and the kids gave out gifts and hugs. Some games were played using “volunteers” from the audience and prizes were given out. Random drawings were also held for other prizes. I did not win any prizes – which verifies how lucky I am as my motto could be “less is more”!

Mothers' Day Crowd

Game Where Mom Feeds a Child with Both Blindfolded


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